
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm

National alliance of agricultural co-operatives

in uganda (NAAC)



A market system where small holder farmers are active equal value-chain actors, deriving fair incomes for decent livelihoods.


To foster and co-ordinate market system relationships for provision of high quality holistic agricultural and co-operative support services to members and partners on a sustainable basis


The National Alliance of Agricultural Co-operatives in Uganda (NAAC) is an umbrella organization of all agricultural Co- operatives in Uganda.

NAAC was founded in January 2018, as a loose network of agricultural co-operatives to fill an identified gap in access to support services by agricultural co-operatives in the sector.

It was formally registered as a co-operative union in 2019, and is regulated by the Registrar of co- operatives under Cap 112, the Co- operative Societies Act 2020 and Co-operative Societies Regulations, 1992. Its registration number is 11226/RCS.

NAAC’s formation was motivated by the need for agricultural co- operatives to have a national level organization to provide customized support services to agricultural co-operatives in Uganda, to better amplify their voice, coordinate support services for co- operative growth and prosperity of their individual members, lobby government for favorable policies and network better with local and international actors in the sector.


As a co-operative, NAAC is a member-founded, member-owned, member-controlled and a member-benefitting organization.

The ordinary members of NAAC are secondary and tertiary agricultural co-operatives, although due to the nature of actors in the agricultural sector, primary agricultural co-operatives active in value-chains with no established secondary or tertiary level co-operatives can join as associate members.

For example, co-operatives in rice, oil-palm, horticulture, mechanization and other newly developed value-chains.