NAAC was formally registered as a co-operative union in 2019, and is regulated by the Registrar of co- operatives under Cap 112, the Co- operative Societies Act 2020 and Co-operative Societies Regulations, 1992. Its registration number is 11226/RCS.
The National Alliance of Agricultural Co-operatives in Uganda (NAAC) is an umbrella organization of all agricultural Co- operatives in Uganda
NAAC was founded in January 2018, as a loose network of agricultural co-operatives to fill an identified gap in access to support services by agricultural co-operatives in the sector
We provide customized support services to agricultural co-operatives in Uganda, better amplify their voices, coordinate support services for co-operative growth, and prosperity of their individual members, lobby the government for favorable policies, and network better with local and international actors in the sector.
The organization is founded, owned, and controlled by its members to strengthen agricultural co-operatives' performance and benefit both individual members and their communities. It coordinates support service delivery towards this end.